Ask and we’ll be your …

Your AI Customs Broker.

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It’s not about AI, it’s about building better automations – faster.

Automated tariff code generation.

Our artificial intelligence has access to current tariff code provisions in order to provide suitable suggestions at all times.

Plausibility checks

Easily teach AI your rules and policies to detect false customs declarations before customs clearance.

Automatic data extraction

Create your automations using natural language. AI utilizes data from various sources such as email, Excel, PDF, SAP or the web to automate customs declarations from start to finish.

Integration into your customs system

Customs declarations are pre-filled in your system. Whether Dakosy, SAP, MIC, AEB and others (Kewill / Riege) - we can do it.

No one knows the importance of compliance and approval like IT

Compliance and governance shouldn’t be something you have to ask about. We’re committed to the integrity, confidentiality and availability of your data. We employ custom SLAs, SSO, On-Prem Hosting and are ISO27001, and GDPR compliant.